Are you one of the 4.5 million recent college graduates entering the job market?
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, there are expected to be

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approximately 4.5 million college degrees conferred in the U.S. in the 2016–17 academic year. This breaks down as 1.29 million associates degrees, 2.03 million bachelor’s degrees, 982,000 master’s degrees and 209,000 doctorate degrees.
If you’re unsure where to start or what to include in your entry-level professional resume, Resume Karma is here to help establish your professional brand! We will create a professional resume that will focus on your strengths and emphasize what you have done (academically, professionally and otherwise) all the while pointing to what you’re capable of achieving in the future.
The millennial generation is tech-savvy and have grown up with social media but might not be aware of how that could harm their career as they transition into the workforce. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, they’re posting the good, the bad and the ugly. We can share with you online reputation management strategies and guide you in ways to limit your “bad” exposure to potential employers.
You have four or five years and tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in your bachelor’s degree and now you are ready to find the job of your dreams. Don’t neglect to invest in a professionally written college graduate resume that can positively impact your future and bring career rewards…
Does your recent college graduate resume effectively reflect your Brand and the type of professional you are? If it doesn’t, call today for a free evaluation of your existing resume at 954.918.2421 or e-mail us today at [email protected]
Things To Include In Your College Graduate Resume
Most recent grads and entry level candidates are entering the workforce armed with a resume that their career counselor in college wrote for them using a format that is 20 years out of date.
Here are 3 elements, that at first glance identify your resume was written by the career counselor:
- It has an “Objective”
- Its using Times New Roman size 12 font
- It has 1” Margins, Double Spaced
News Flash – you’re not writing a Term Paper for a professor anymore. If your resume has the any of these elements, it’s time to bring your resume up to 2018 standards.
No matter where you are at right now or where you are a looking to start your career, you need a well-written resume that accurately conveys your value, skills and abilities, and experience. The job market is stiff, and it’s essential that you have a strong resume that showcases “You” and doesn’t look like the thousands of other recent grads.
At Resume Karma, we are specialists in developing resumes for recent college graduates in all industries. Establishing your Brand is our mandate … demonstrating your strengths is our expertise. With over 10 years of successful experience in developing high impact resumes and job search strategies, we have consistently provided our clients with the tools and expertise required to kick start their careers.
Does your Student or Entry Level resume effectively reflect your Brand and the type of professional you are?